Uppercase / all caps
UPPERCASE words or ALL CAPS is often used to denote the importance of the text. Many people use capital letters to make words look "louder", On social media and forums, uppercase sentences can be associated with shouting. Studies have shown that all caps text is less readable than lowercase text. Parts of legal documents (like disclaimers) are usually also in all caps (this is a convention).
Conversion tool
Programming conversion to uppercase / all caps
var str = 'Test';
var result = str.toUpperCase();
Microsoft Excel
You can also use Flash Fill to convert your fields.
SELECT UPPER(lastname) FROM Employees
my $str = 'Test';
print uc($str);
$str = 'Test';
print strtoupper($str);
s = 'Test'
print s.upper()
Unicode tools
UTF-8 to Latin converter
HTML special character converter
URL/percent encode & decode
Punycode IDN converter
HTML special character converter
URL/percent encode & decode
Punycode IDN converter
Text manipulation tools
Remove all accents
Convert to uppercase
Convert to lowercase
Base64 encode & decode
ROT13 cipher tool
String length calculator
Convert to uppercase
Convert to lowercase
Base64 encode & decode
ROT13 cipher tool
String length calculator